An Inspiring True Story Of Survival
The new book - ____________ - from Brian Sluga is a story of hope. It’s a story of a survivor as Brian shares how he overcame testicular cancer. He was young, healthy and running college cross country, then he found a lump. He had no idea what it was and had never even heard of testicular cancer before. But if it can happen to Brian, it can happen to anyone.
Brian shares his story to inspire others - and to make a difference. He was given a second chance, and he strives to be a light of hope for others. This cancer can strike anyone and it’s scary, but if caught early it can be cured. From sons, godsons, brothers, husbands and fathers, this diagnosis is physically, mentally and emotionally draining. Brian endured the tests and never backed down. Now he tells his story and hopes it’ll inspire others to never back down.